Learning Products

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    “At Bat” Level 1A Craft Right Brain Student Reader

    Original price was: $21.50.Current price is: $19.50.
    The first Student Reader in the first grade series, At Bat!” (Level 1-A) was created to teach struggling older readers of any age, or beginning readers up to mid-year first grade level. (1.1 reading level).  The At Bat!” Reader contains the phonetic vowel patterns: –at, -ad, -an, -ap, -am, -ag, -ab and the sight words: is, a, my, he, on, not, in, the, look, Max, and, by, it, I, we, no, see, to, her, his, she. 
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    “The Big Win” Level 1B Craft Right Brain Student Reader

    Original price was: $21.50.Current price is: $19.50.
    The second Student Reader in the first grade series, “The Big Win(Level 1-B) is for the struggling older reader of any age, or beginning readersin the middle of first grade reading level.“The Big Win Reader contains: Phonetic vowel patterns: –ix, -it, -in, -id, -ig, -im, -ip, -ut, -un, -ub, -ug, -us, -up, -um, -ud  Sight words: are, said, with, got, put, you, little, took, of, for, me, do, have, happy, if, be, as, has, from, will, was.
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    “You Rock” Level 1C Craft Right Brain Student Reader

    Original price was: $21.50.Current price is: $19.50.
    The third Student Reader in the first grade series, “You Rock!(Level 1-C) is the final Reader in the first grade level. This is for the struggling older reader of any age, or beginning readers at the end of first grade level reading. The “You Rock! Reader contains the phonetic vowel patterns: –og, -op, -ob, -ot, -ox, -et, -ed, -en, -eg; the double consonants: -ll, -ss; the consonant blends: ck, ch, th, tch and the sight words: yes, mom, good, doctor, went, down, come, play, very, away, help, go, so, they, one, day, here, eat, your, funny, find, make, jump, our.
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    “Looking Up” Level 2A Craft Right Brain Student Reader

    Original price was: $21.50.Current price is: $19.50.

    The second grade series of Craft Right Brain Student Readers begins with, “Looking Up(Level 2-A). This Reader  was created for struggling  readers of any age, or  for beginning readers.  The "Looking Up" Reader contains the consonant blends: sh, ll, ng, ch, nd, nt; endings: -ed, -ing  and the sight words: grandma, grandpa, house, want, don’t, Mr., trip, what, O.K., who, stop, boy, when, story, Mrs., room, like, school, made, next, slip, ask, how, spot, girl, why, fly, sky, out, bird, camp, there.

    There are four readers at the second grade level, "Looking Up" Level 2-A, "Think Big" Level 2-B, "Grand Slam" Level 2-C and "Game On" Level 2-D.

    This series of readers gives the student much practice in all the words that are needed to move on to the third grade level. The inclusion of the right brain method of teaching sight words makes a huge difference in the ease of learning for them.  The color code for each phonics sound makes decoding a breeze.  You will find these readers working, when others have not.

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    “Think Big” Level 2B Craft Right Brain Student Reader

    Original price was: $21.50.Current price is: $19.50.

    The second Reader in the second grade series of Craft Right Brain Student Readers is “Think Big(Level 2-B). This Reader  was created for struggling  readers of any age, or  for beginning readers. The "Think Big" Reader contains the consonant blends: -st, -mp, -sk, -ft, -lt, -lk, -nk, -ld, -pt and the sight words: could, were, too, pretty, pull, bike, done, their, oh, yellow, three, two, came, blue, saw, brown, please, new, white, soon, ate, under, four, or, give, live, ride.

    There are four readers at the second grade level, "Looking Up" Level 2-A, "Think Big" Level 2-B, "Grand Slam" Level 2-C and "Game On" Level 2-D. ("Game On" will be available on the website, middle of December, 2016)

    This series of readers gives the student much practice in all the words that are needed to move on to the third grade level. The inclusion of the right brain method of teaching sight words makes a huge difference in the ease of learning for them.  The color code for each phonics sound makes decoding a breeze.  You will find these readers working, when others have not.

  • Sale!

    “Grand Slam” Level 2C Craft Right Brain Student Reader

    Original price was: $21.50.Current price is: $19.50.

    The third Reader in the second grade series of Craft Right Brain Student Readers is “Grand Slam(Level 2-C). This Reader  was created for struggling  readers of any age, or  for beginning readers. The "Grand Slam" Reader contains the consonant blends: fl-, sl-, cl-, gl-, bl-, pl-, gr-, dr-, cr-, fr-, tr-, br-, sp-, sk-, st-, sw- and the sight words: sister, time, first, snow, again, off, gave, work, about, walk, around, calf, know, never, use, march, try, water, home, over, once, sleep, any, right, many, park, cold, before, open, does, where, buy. 

    There are four readers at the second grade level, "Looking Up" Level 2-A, "Think Big" Level 2-B, "Grand Slam" Level 2-C and "Game On" Level 2-D

    This series of readers gives the student much practice in all the words that are needed to move on to the third grade level. The inclusion of the right brain method of teaching sight words makes a huge difference in the ease of learning for them.  The color code for each phonics sound makes decoding a breeze.  You will find these readers working, when others have not.

  • Sale!

    “Game On” Level 2D Craft Right Brain Student Reader

    Original price was: $21.50.Current price is: $19.50.

    The fourth Reader in the second grade series of Craft Right Brain Student Readers is “Game On!(Level 2-D). This Reader  was created for struggling  readers of any age, or  for beginning readers. The "Game On!" Reader contains the

    phonetic vowel patterns: silent 'e' with vowels: a, i, o, and u;

    vowel digraphs: -ee, -ai, -ea and -ar; endings: -ing 

    sight words: friend, team, party, laugh, baby, jungle, board, half, family, ocean, pirate, different, treasure, years, crew, sail, practice, wait, adventure, money, excited, ready, seven, hurt, rule, always, emu, because, food, even, after, began, animal, face, hi, both and crazy

    There are four readers at the second grade level, "Looking Up" Level 2-A, "Think Big" Level 2-B, "Grand Slam" Level 2-C and "Game On!" Level 2-D.

    This series of readers gives the student much practice in all the words that are needed to move on to the third grade level. The inclusion of the right brain method of teaching sight words makes a huge difference in the ease of learning for them.  The color code for each phonics sound makes decoding a breeze.  You will find these readers working, when others have not.

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    Dianne Craft used this painless method in her Resource Rooms Language Arts room.  By the end of the year, her students were writing 3-4 page papers! No curriculum purchase. Just a very successful teaching method. Hundreds of teachers and homeschool parents are using their method right now!
    All you need is a whiteboard and the teacher and student working together using this Right Brain "whole" method.  You will be surprised how this will work with your struggling writer.  They'll ask to write their next paper!
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    Right Brain Math Video

    In this workshop you will learn how to help this struggling student finally store the math facts AND processes in their right brain long term memory. No curriculum to purchase...just fast, effective right brain strategies to use in the classroom or at home to reduce math frustration and tears! This is a totally different teaching strategy than you have ever used before!  It retrains the brain for math!
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    In the "Identifying Your Child's Processing Problem" DVD the four Learning Gates will be explored in detail:
    1. Visual Processing Gate (slow, halting reading; reading reversals)
    2. Auditory Processing Gate (your "word guesser", sounds out the same word over and over; sight words hard to remember; easily confused; always saying "what")
    3. Writing Gate (great orally, but writes very little; seems alergic to his/her pencil; does all math in his/her head; copying takes so long; HATES to write!)
    4. Focusing/Attention Gate (you need to sit with him/her to finish their work; frequently says "I forgot"; easily upset; Sensory issues...noises bother him/her...tags, transitions,foods...anxiety about many things).
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    In this DVD, Dianne teaches you the teaching method, midline therapy, and nutritional strategies she follows for children with dyslexia and other reading problems.
    1. Visual Processing Gate Blocked
      1. Reading reversals after age 7 (on=no, was=saw, of=to)
      2. Oral reading starts smooth, but becomes more labored
      3. Yawning shortly after reading begins
      4. Smart kids who don’t want to read (due to eye fatigue)
    1. Auditory Processing Gate Blocked
      1. Phonics sounds don’t stick
      2. Sight words hard to memorize (sounds out all words)
      3. Spelling rules hard to remember
      4. Easily misunderstands verbal information
      5. Guesses at long words frequently (forgets words he just sounded out)
      6. Can’t remember multiplication facts, difficulty saying months in order
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