Dianne Craft

“Dianne’s presentations were the most popular of all the talks given last year at our convention. Parents flocked to her talks, telling each other that they had never heard this kind of information before. ‘Life-changing’ is how some of the parents described her information on how children learn. She gave of her time so freely both at her booth, and after each talk, speaking personally with all the people standing in line to ask her a question. It was amazing to watch!”
– Jane Gambill, Illinois Homeschool Coordinator www.iche.org

“We asked Dianne to come back to speak the next year, after her first presentation here. The next year we had twice as many people at her talks, as the word got around that she was coming back again. Parents said that they heard answers for their children, that they never knew existed before. She was a real hit at our convention.”
– Michigan Homeschool Convention Coordinator, www.inch.org

“Dianne was a phenomenal speaker here four years ago. We have asked her to come back this year. Her knowledge of both learning and nutrition for children is remarkable. She explains why we have the trends in the increases of certain learning problems, and other issues children are struggling with such as Sensory Problems, Asperger’s and Autism. She is a favorite speaker here.”
– Dawn Brotherton, Administrative Coordinator, Oklahoma Homeschool Convention, www.ochec.com

“We had Dianne as one of our Featured Speakers two years ago. We have never received so much positive feedback about one speaker, as we did about her. Parents were thrilled to hear that there are many ways for children to learn. They felt empowered by her talks. Our goal is to have her back here again soon.”
– Micki Moeller, Speaker Coordinator, Valley Home Educators, Modesto, CA, www.valleyhomeeducators.org