Improve behavior, learning "glitches", focusing issues....etc. using nutrition. Detailed step by step nutritional program. Two Audio CD's and 27 page Instructional Booklet.
In the Biology of Behavior 2 disc series you will be given the latest brain and nutritional research plus a proven step by step program of natural supplements designed to help your child's body heal, and have an ample supply of the important "calming" neurotransmitters available. You will also learn of "natural medicines" you can discuss with your child's doctor, that are free from the side effects that accompany many prescription medications. One parent said that this CD set was like "having a nutritionist in your home." The detailed Instructional Study Guide included in this set, gives you all the information you need, including brand names, amounts, and resources.
This program now comes with the DVD Kids & Teens With Focus/Attention Problems! Explore the physical causes of behavior and attention problems in children and teens. Learn targeted remedies for each of these problems. Be amazed at the difference in your student’s mood, memory and learning ability. Many call this a “life changing” teaching.