“The Foundational Package”
Why should I buy “The Foundational Package”?
Many bright, hardworking children have to work too hard to learn because they have a processing problem, or one of their learning gates is blocked. Sometimes several learning gates are blocked. We now offer “The Foundational Package” of Dianne Craft’s products for those parents who wish to gain an understanding of Dianne’s three-pronged approach – Brain Integration Therapy, Nutritional Strategies, and Right Brain Teaching Strategies – to helping children learn. It doesn’t have to be so hard, and it doesn’t have to be so expensive!
Please note the Foundational Package does not contain Craft Right Brain Readers as each purchaser will not necessarily need the same Reader(s). You may purchase individual Craft Right Brain Readers or the price discounted Craft Right Brain Reader Package separately.
What is included in “The Foundational Package”?
Our “Foundational Package” contains all of the following nine products found in the “Reading Package” (See the “Reading Package” for product descriptions):
- Daily Lesson Plans for the Struggling Reader, Writer and Speller
- ALL NEW Brain Integration Therapy Program 2020 Edition
- The Right Brain Phonics Reading Book
- Right Brain Phonics Cards
- Right Brain Dolch Sample Set Sight Word Cards
- Teaching the Right Brain Child DVD
- Dyslexia and Other Reading Problems DVD
- Colored Reading Transparencies
- Reading Package “Quick Start Guide”
Plus the following additional eight products:
Biology of Behavior Nutritional Program (with Study Notes) Workshop (ONLINE ACCESS)
“The Biology of Behavior” explores the physical causes of behavior, attention, and sensory processing problems in children. Many parents have successfully followed this step-by-step nutritional supplement program and seen dramatic changes in their child’s ability to focus, learn, and handle everyday stress.
Children who are struggling with BEHAVIOR and ATTENTION PROBLEMS are literally “screaming out” to us the REASON for their struggle. We just need to know how to “read” these signs.
Characteristics of children who are struggling with upset body chemistry that seems to respond to targeted nutritional interventions
- Sleep problems
- Stomach aches
- Canker sores
- Sugar craving
- Eczema
- Athlete’s foot
- Leg pains
- Enuresis
- Constipation
- Much antibiotic use
- Allergies
- Angry, aggressive
- Irritable, touchy
- Inappropriate behavior
- Mood swings
- Attention/focusing problems
- Depression
- Hyperactivity
- Restless, nervous
- Fearful
- Sensory Processing Problems “SI”
- Bothered by tags, socks, foods, transitions
In this 2 disc series you will be given the latest brain and nutritional research plus a proven step-by-step program of natural supplements designed to help your child’s body heal, and have an ample supply of the important “calming” neurotransmitters available. You will also learn of “natural medicines” you can discuss with your child’s doctor, that are free from the side effects that accompany many prescription medications. One parent said that this CD set was like “having a nutritionist in your home.” The detailed STUDY NOTES included in this set give you all the information you need, including brand names, amounts, and resources.
Smart Kids Who Hate To Write Workshop (ONLINE ACCESS)
Does your child seem lazy, sloppy, and unmotivated? He or she could be suffering from a writing glitch called Dysgraphia, which is easily corrected. Some children have to use so much energy for the writing process that they are reluctant to put pencil to paper for anything!
Not all children who have a writing block or dysgraphia also have visual/spatial problems, but they often overlap. This is the most common learning block that gifted children have. Many times it isn’t even identified until a child is a teenager and not turning in written work! You will even find out if your child is hard wired to be right handed or left handed.
In this DVD you will learn how to identify a child with a writing glitch, dysgraphia, visual/spatial problems, and, more importantly, how to eliminate those problems using a proven method. This exercise was originally developed to improve eye/hand coordination and ball handling ability in sports. Coaches said these students just “knew where they were in the field after doing this exercise.
Identifying Your Child’s Processing Problem Workshop (ONLINE ACCESS)
“Why is teaching my child such a mystery?”
“My child is not learning as quickly as his age group. Is it just a maturity issue, or should I do interventions?”
The Four Learning Gates:
There is no mystery to learning. There are only four learnng gates. You can become an expert in diagnosing learning glitches or disabilities with or without formal testing.
In the “Identifying Your Child’s Processing Problem” DVD the four Learning Gates will be explored in detail:
- Visual Processing Gate (slow, halting reading; reading reversals)
- Auditory Processing Gate (your “word guesser”, sounds out the same word over and over; sight words hard to remember; easily confused; always saying “what”)
- Writing Gate (great orally, but writes very little; seems allergic to his/her pencil; does all math in his/her head; copying takes so long; HATES to write!)
- Focusing/Attention Gate (you need to sit with him/her to finish their work; frequently says “I forgot”; easily upset; Sensory issues…noises bother him/her…tags, transitions, foods…anxiety about many things).
Whether a child is struggling with just a learning glitch, or has an identified learning disability like dyslexia, dysgraphia, auditory processing problem or autism, you can do interventions at home that will make learning much easier. LEARNING DOESN’T HAVE TO BE SO HARD! And you will find that it does not have to be expensive to do the interventions.
Right Brain Paragraph & Composition Writing Workshop (ONLINE ACCESS)
“Help! My teenager can’t even write a paragraph by himself.”
“My child loves to ‘journal’, but won’t write an organized paragraph for anything.”
The Universal Writing Method
“Loose thought patterns” plague many children and teens, particularly those suffering with Dysgraphia, ADD or Auditory Processing Problems. They have difficulty thinking in an organized manner, and therefore cannot write in an organized manner. I found I was able to engage even my most reluctant students in this process by giving them Right Brain, visual hangers to put their thoughts on. They could see their whole paper before it is written. This works when all other methods haven’t worked…Guaranteed. (2nd grade-10th).
I used this painless method in my Resource Rooms Language Arts room. By the end of the year I got 3-4 page papers. No curriculum purchase. Just a very successful teaching method. All you need is a whiteboard and the teacher and student working together using this Right Brain “whole” method. You will be surprised how this will work with your struggling writer. They’ll ask to write their next paper!
When your student is writing papers well, then you can move on to any of the traditional writing programs.
So many teachers and students have been waiting for this video presentation of this simple but powerful method of teaching writing.
Right Brain Math Workshop (ONLINE ACCESS)
For some children, math is a monster! They hate it, and always feel frustrated when doing it. Math is almost always taught in a left brain manner. You can teach it in a right brain manner. These children have difficulty learning math facts. They often can’t move past manipulatives to add or subtract. They tend to do poorly on tests, because they ‘forget’ how to do the math processes (division, fractions, algebra, etc.) In this workshop you will learn how to help this struggling student.
Finally store the math facts AND processes in their right brain long term memory; No curriculum to purchase…just fast, effective right brain strategies to use in the classroom or at home to reduce math frustration and tears! This is a totally different teaching strategy than you have ever used before! It retrains the brain for math! This is the method I used in my Resource Rooms to get my 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th graders to pass tests so they could go on to higher math.
Which curriculum is best? Find out what works for these students in this teaching:
- Multiplication/Division
- Algebra…order of operation
- Fractions…division
- Multiplication by 3 digits
Measurements…see the whole picture.
Many kids say, “I like math now. I’m good at it.” All as a result of a totally different teaching method. How easy is that!
NEW! We have added two new workshops to the Foundational Package:
Kids and Teens with Focus/Attention Problems
Dive deeper into the brain and gut connection and how nutritional deficiencies can contribute to learning difficulties. This workshop presents Dianne’s visual powerpoint slides to take you through an in-person workshop.
Training Your Childs Photographic Memory
Teach spelling using your child’s powerful photographic memory! Learn how to teach them to spell works forwards and backwards in just one week. You will become addicted to your child’s success using this method!
Right Brain Multiplication Cards
Teach the multiplication facts in a “unit”, using color and picture. Put the stories/cards up high so the child’s eyes can see them …such as at the breakfast table. Memorize about 5 of the hard multiplication facts each week, taking pictures of them every day for a week. You will see your child memorize those pesky multiplication facts faster than you thought possible. Even left brain students enjoy this “photographic memory” technique
Right Brain kids learn best with picture, color, emotion and humor. These multiplication cards use these elements to take the pain out of learning their times tables. Many parents report that their child learned the facts in a week using these cards. Kids love this method! All of the multiplication facts 0’s through 9’s. The picture and problem is on the front with the story for you to read on the
Visual Number Cards
Right Brain adding strategies. If your child is still using fingers to add, then give him a way to see his fingers directly on the numbers. We teach this using Touch/Visual Math Cards. For example, the number “5” has five dots on it in color, with a funny story to remember the placement of the dots. Using this picture-taking method, when your child sees a “5” on a math sheet, he will automatically see the invisible dots, and add easily. Do this memorization technique for all of the numbers. Soon your child will be adding long columns of numbers, while counting all the dots. This will eventually occur so quickly that it looks like all the addition facts have been memorized! Many right brainers use this technique even as adults! Teach the whole with the parts. 6X4 cards with the number on the front with a picture embedded on it and the story on the back. An instruction card is included.
The Foundational Package Quick Start Guide
How much do I save when purchasing “The Foundational Package”?
When buying all components of “The Foundational Package” the price is $446.00 When buying these components in the “Complete Package”plus, the price is $363.99, saving you $82
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