
  • Many people don't realize that feeling "spacey" often is the result of anemia. Children who need more iron can often be caught eating dirt. Get your iron straight from the source.
  • Magnesium is essential for the production of ATP, the body's primary energy producing molecule, as well as for the manufacture of protein. This is often used for older teens in place of Mineral Rich if you are following Dianne Craft's Biology of Behavior Nutritional Protocol.
  • We know that magnesium is “nature’s tranquilizer.” We also know magnesium can be a laxative (remember Milk of Magnesia?). It is very relaxing to all the muscles, even the colon. In fact, if you look up the symptoms of magnesium deficiency and sensory processing disorder, you will see a significant correlation. It is fascinating to see this close match of symptoms. It is always best to check with your physician before adding any nutritional supplement.
  • ParaMicrocidin is the capsule form of grapefruit seed extract for younger children experiencing difficulty swallowing supplements
  • Many parents report greatly improved Focusing, Attention, and Concentration in their children when they give them this supplement.  Pycnogenol has the unique ability to pass the blood/brain barrier, making it effective for various neurological glitches.

    This is one of the most popular supplements in Dianne Craft's Biology of Behavior Nutritional protocol.

    A Zinc deficiency can be spotted by white spots on the nails or by slow healing of cuts and other abrasions. Zinc is essential for cellular reproduction, which is the process of growth and repair. It also helps prevent the buildup of Vit A in the liver. Teenagers have also reported that it helps to clear up acne.
  • Natural Vitamin E.
  • B-6 is a natural precursor to the neurotransmitter, Serotonin. This is a recommended supplement in Dianne Craft's Biology of Behavior Nutritional protocol.
    We are experiencing an unexpected delays in restocking the probiotic, Primadophilus Bifidus. If you are in the middle of your 3 month targeted nutritional plan and need a probiotic, we recommend ordering directly from Nature's Way or visiting your local health food store. This is a common supplement that is carried by many of them (Natural Grocers, Vitamin Cottage, Whole Foods, etc.). The main issue you may run into is that some stores may not keep this probiotic refrigerated. In this case, go ahead and purchase anyway. The efficacy of the supplement is not ruined without refrigeration; it's just not as powerful. But it is still better than not having it while you are already in the middle of the nutritional plan.
    As soon as we have restocked this product, it will reflect in our store. You can also email us for updates:
    We are experiencing an unexpected delay in restocking the probiotic, Primadophilus Original. If you are in the middle of your 3 month targeted nutritional plan and need a probiotic, we recommend ordering directly from Nature's Way or visiting your local health food store. This is a common supplement that is carried by many of them (Natural Grocers, Vitamin Cottage, Whole Foods, etc.). The main issue you may run into is that some stores may not keep this probiotic refrigerated. In this case, go ahead and purchase anyway. The efficacy of the supplement is not ruined without refrigeration; it's just not as powerful. But it is still better than not having it while you are already in the middle of the nutritional plan.
    As soon as we have restocked this product, it will reflect in our store. You can also email us for updates:
  • These capsules, created by Dr. Jacqueline Stordy, contain all three oils in proper balance: fish oil (DHA), primrose oil (GLA), and vitamin E. The advantage is that the three oils are together in one capsule. This will give your child the DHA their Corpus Callosum (midline of the brain) needs to pass information more easily from the left (learning) side of the brain to the right (automatic memory) side of the brain.
  • Sale!

    The Foundational Package: Reading, Writing, Spelling, Math, Nutrition

    Original price was: $399.00.Current price is: $363.99.

    Many bright, hardworking children have to work too hard to learn because they have a processing problem, or one of their learning gates is blocked. Sometimes several learning gates are blocked. We now offer "The Foundational Package” of Dianne Craft’s products for those parents who wish to gain an understanding of Dianne’s three-pronged approach – Brain Integration Therapy, Nutritional Strategies, and Right Brain Teaching Strategies - to helping children learn. It doesn’t have to be so hard, and it doesn’t have to be so expensive!

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